11 de marzo de 2015

Arty Collage: Angels, angels, angels


26 comentarios

  1. Que bonita estás, con esos tonos azules pareces realmente un ángel.
    Últimamente comento menos, el tiempo ya sabes, pero no te pierdo la pista,
    Un montón de besos.

  2. que lindaa!
    me encanta!!
    siempre necesitamos tener los angelitos al rededor :)
    http://www.tastemycloset.com/ | http://www.passionfordenim.com/

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. YOU are one of MY angels! And guess what? I found another one of "our" bags on Ebay! Now we are bag twins, too.

  5. eres estupenda, caminando entre ángeles, cómo me gusta verte!!!

  6. Yes. Angels looking after us. What a nice thought.

  7. Oh yes! Continued prayers for Angels around you and Victor!!!


  8. Love these photos. Hope your angels are making it possible to leave the hospital.


  9. you are look like angel here! And I hope all the angels in the world help to come back home from the hospital and visit the hospital only for happy occasions later on.

  10. I used to have a dress very very similar, I can't see the entire dress so I can't say it's the same. I loved it. You look quite jaunty!

  11. You are an angel yourself, Sacramento - a true angel. Very powerful images you've created! Beautiful white and blue outfit on you!

    I'm sending you hugs, my friend, and want to thank you for your most wonderful words. They really mean a lot to me!

    Hugs and love xxxxxxx

  12. AMAZING how well you just fit right in, Sacramento. We always knew you were angelic, but here you are, showing them how to dress. No one better to do it than you!
    Getting old doesn't seem so grim now that I know there's fashion in heaven!

  13. I believe in Angels in all forms, are around us always! you look heavenly Sacramento x x x

  14. I hope you will both be able to go home soon... Stay well!

  15. So wonderful and yes we do need angels all around us!! You will go home very soon...I know it :)) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  16. Me encantan los ángelitos, y los blosos que estás colgando en Instagram son maravillosos, tanto cmo el que llevas en este post! Mil besos reina!

  17. Great photography. Yes, we all have angels around. (I ask my angel for parking spaces all the time... terrible aren't I?)
    Still not home yet?

  18. You look SOOOOOOO gorgeous and glam!!! LOVVVE your blue outfit! So chic and stunning! And that background is amazing!
    Sending kisses!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls


  19. We all do need angels, dear Sacramento ! Lovely post, your posts are true works of art my friend. Sending you much love <3

    Fashion and Cookies

  20. Me ha venido a la cabeza una canción de mi adolescencia que habla de ángeles y me trae recuerdos, (Traumas, de Roberto Carlos), adoro la imágen de los ángeles y seguro que todos tenemos un ángel protector.
    Besos, ana.

  21. Everyone needs an angel! These photos are lovely. I'm actually about to do an angel shoot next week! XX

  22. Yes, we all need angels. Hope your guardian angel has been taking care of you these last few weeks and months. Xxxx

  23. Una entrada preciosa, casi tanto como luces tú con ese look azul tan bonito que utilizaste para la sesión de fotos de ese día, de verdad, que me encanta, te queda genial. Me chiflan ese tipo de prendas con flores o estampados florales y en tonos azules o verdes claros, son muy favorecedores y dan una sensación de alegría y armonía o al menos a mí al menos me transmite esa sensación. La chaqueta me recuerda a una blusa que vi la semana pasada en otro blog que me gusta y que también me enamoró (concretamente, este articulo). Descubrí recientemente tu blog y tengo que decir que me encanta, este artículo de los ángeles me ha animado la mañana, ¡muchas gracias!


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