5 de marzo de 2015

Arty Collage: Andalusian Patios


35 comentarios

  1. that dress is a dream...it seems to invite Spring! you're always such an inspiration Sacramento.

    I hope that Victor recovers fully as soon as possible.

    My thoughts are with you.


  2. querida, comprendo la situación, y también comprendo que mantener el blog es como un ancla a la normalidad y a las cosas bellas que aún siguen gustándonos!
    y esta explosión floral es una alegría, da gusto verte!, bella!
    besos & abrazos fuertes para ti y un poco menos fuertes para el enfermo!

  3. Thinking of you. Sending healing thoughts your way.


  4. Sending Victor healing thoughts, and to you, (((hugs))). Hope you'll be enjoying those gardens together again soon.

  5. We are all there with you...and wishing Victor happy and healthy wishes, so you all may return home!! Lots of love and care to you all XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  6. The whole post is so cheerful and springy...thanks Sacramento!

  7. My dear beautiful friend, how trying it must be... But you are together, that is I'm sure healing all by itself. In happiness and sadness... You know that we miss you and love you very much. You are the personification of sun and bright flowers yourself! Sending you lots of love and hugs. All the very best to Victor, get well soon. xxxxxx

  8. Beautiful photos! I can't wait for the spring and summer! I'm sure you welcome it both at home :-) and fit!

    Thinking of you!

  9. Lo importante es que se recupere del todo. Entiendo que los días se hagan eternos en el hospital porque lo he vivido, pero mejor que esté bien atendido en el hospital. que volver a casa y tener que ingresar de nuevo. Paciencia :*


  10. Thanks for the cheery photos Sacramento! I'm wrapping up all the happiness you've given me here and sending it back to both you and Victor! Hopefully soon you will be back home surrounded by flowers and sunshine!

  11. Qué explosión de colores, preciosos los patios de ésta bella Andalucía, las flores son una alegría para la vista y tú también.
    Siempre te tengo presente en mi corazón, te mando buenas ondas, un besazo muy grande.

  12. Yes, I for one, know and understand. At dinner just now we were talking about Andalucia (I often wish we were there) and I thought about you. Thank goodness you have a source of comfort! It looks lovely and warm there, how wonderful to be wearing a summer dress with no cardigan. xxxxxxxx

  13. Ya veras como se arregla todo y pronto estáis en casa. Estas cosas se hacen pesadas pero todo quedara en un recuerdo! Me encanta tu vestido y que fotos tan bonitas! Un abrazo querida amiga.

  14. I sincerely hope you both will be home soon and enjoy the beautiful blooms, I send lots of love and hugs x x x

  15. Dear Sacramento, first of all, I am sending love and prayers! Our health is our wealth!

    This post is delightful! You look beautiful as the flowers! Our weather is miserable!

    Hugs and kisses!!!
    ♥ carmen

  16. Oh Sweetie. You know we're all thinking of you and Victor. And just so you know, your Instagram has really been keeping me going lately, too. Love.

  17. I'm sorry to hear of the hiccups but it's better to be absolutely sure that all is well. Hang in there, both of you. Nothing like a little flower power to assist in the wait. Gorgeous.

  18. Wonderful and cheerful inspiration. You and Victor are in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks for keeping us updated. xxoo/M

  19. So many flowers! Hoping you see some Springtime where you are. I know flowers and hospitals go together!
    You will be stronger after this time is past, even if it doesn't feel like it yet! We are all feeling for you. Sending all my love! xo Jazzy Jack

  20. Dear Sacramento, all those flowers are super pretty and as always your pics and look are wonderful. I pray for your hubby and you, hope he gets completely well soon and you can go back to normal life. Much love xoxo

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  21. I'm so sorry to hear that the recovery of Victor takes longer as expected. I hope, everyting will turn out fine and you both are able to go home soon.

    My Mum might be in a quite similar situation right now. Her husband had a stroke the day before new years eve and another one two weeks after. We are so lucky that he is still with us and that he is able to relearn all the things he lost ...
    But the doctors are really struggling to put him on the right medication now ... something that works for atrial fibrillation and doesn't cause another stroke which would kill him. So they He and my Mum spent the last two months just in several hospitals or in rehab.
    I'm so worried about my Mum aswell, because this man is her big love, her shoulder to lean on, her everything.
    Being sick is something horrible - but worrying about someone you love from your bottom of your heart can take so much energy from from a person and can make you sick yourself..
    I send all my energy and strength to you and your beloved ones(and my mum & step dad of course). ... that you all make it home soon - healthy and happy as can be.

  22. Sending love to you all - stay positive, Victor will be home soon.
    Fabulous florals - what a great dress to wear amongst all those flowers! xxx

  23. I so hope he will home soon. Your selection of florals is gorgeous, a very welcome burst of Spring XX

  24. I'll keep my fingers crossed that he will be released soon and that you will be able to take your mind off of all the worries!

  25. love the flowers! love the dress and definitely love YOU!

    Inside and Outside Blog

  26. We will wait for you. I am still lighthing the candle (until he is home and safe). Love the flowers in this post. Such an abundance. Fantastic.

  27. Sending lots of love.
    Beautiful flowers...what an abundance and you look fabulous as ever.

  28. Beautiful photos. Lovely look.
    Love the flowers. Kisses...

  29. Watch out, because there was a big article on the Internet saying that Malaga is a great place for Americans to retire. Just warning you.

    Spring is here. I'm still with you. And you are the most beautiful flor en Espana.

  30. Thinking of you and your husband - hope he gets to come home soon!

    Gorgeous photos of all these flowers x


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