1.-Leemos de izquierda a derecha: Taylor Davies IFB, así es que alinea el texto a la izquierda y el contesto importante en la parte superior.
2- Keep a simple white layout. No fancy colours, gadgets or popping up elements that distracts the attention from the the content of your post.
2.- Mantén un fondo blanco, sin colorines, gadgets ni elementos que distraigan del contenido de tu post.
3.-Avoid music. Nothing worse than opening a blog with a recurrent soundtrack.
3.- Evita la música. No hay nada peor que abrir un blog con banda sonora.
4.-Offer original content. Make the blog your voice in a world of chatter.
4.- Ofrece contenido original. Convierte el blog en tu voz en un mundo de parloteo.
5- Check your writing and spelling before posting.
5.- Comprueba tu escritura y ortografía antes de lanzar un post.
6– Post regularly.
6.- Postea con regularidad.
6.- Postea con regularidad.
7.- Post photos with a minimum quality and size. NEVER too many of the same outfit, 3 or 4 is more than enough.
7- Presenta fotos con una calidad y tamaño mínimos. NUNCA demasiadad de un mismo atuendo, 3 o 4 son más que suficientes.
8.- Use the Net for people to find your blog: Twitter, Facebook, tumbler, Google+, etc.
8.- Usa los medios a tu alcance para dar a conocer tus contenidos: twitter, facebook, tumbler, google+, etc
9.- If you want to be followed start by following.
9.- Si quieres que te sigan empieza por seguir.
10.- Avoid blog overbranding.
I understand that blogging is for some a way of earning a living, and that is ok as long as it doesn´t become a narcotic diffusion that ends up boring the readers and shutting the voice of the person behind the blog .
10.- Comprendo que el blog es para algun@s una forma de ganarse la vida, y eso es muy válido siempre y cuando no se convierta en una difusión narcotizante que aburra al lector y acalle a la persona detrás del blog.
11.- Avoid a slow loading blog
11.- Avoid a slow loading blog
A slow loading blog is a real deterrent for your readers who don´t have much time.
-The size of the photo is important. Extremely big photos are heavy to load.
- check the number of posts on your first page
The least posts the faster the loading- 3 or 4 posts top.
-If you are on Blogger use their own links, Widgets and Java Script.
-If you have to use outside Java Script and links place them at the bottom right hand side
11.- Un blog que se carga con mucha lentitud es un freno para tus lectores que no tienen tiempo.
-Comprueba el número de post en la primera página. 3 o 4 post máximo.
-El tamaño de las fotos es importante. Fotos extremadamente grandes son pesadas.
-Si estás en Blogger utiliza sus propios Links, widgets y Java Script.
-Si necesitas importar enlaces o Java Script de terceros colócalos en el lado derecho y al final.
12-Feature and be featured in other blogs. It is a wonderful way to spread the love for other bloggers and multiply your readers.
12-Presenta y aparece en otros blogs. Es una maravillosa forma de compañerismo bloguero y de multiplicar lectores.
Guapa me gusta más ahora si cabe, algo menos caótico!
ResponderEliminarUn besote
Aww, I love this! The only point I kinda disagree with is the "keep a simple white layout." I love white layouts, but I love colourful ones as well. :) But, overall, excellent advice from an excellent blogger! PS - I absolutely adore your oufit in the post below this. :)
ResponderEliminarMuy buenas recomendaciones querida Sacramento. Te mando un fuerte abrazo y es muy agradable para mi visitar tu rincón.
Hi my dear-your new look blog looks amazing-very stylish and professional and thanks for sharing your tips too!
ResponderEliminarThis was such a great post!!
ResponderEliminarBut my layout O.O !!.. and I like it :D
x, Lara
There's so much wisdom in your words of advice dear Sacramento! I agree against enormous, slow loading photos, but I'd also argue against too-small photos, where one can't see the image clearly.
ResponderEliminarYour blog is looking so professional and smart! Very nicely done my dear.
These are all things I learned from Problogger and I know work and I know to be true...excellent post to help others,Sacramento. I really try to do what I have time for and follow advice of the experts.
ResponderEliminarBuenos consejos! besos
ResponderEliminarThank you for sharing these tips! xoxo
ResponderEliminarThank you for the a great post. Your blog is the living proof of what you wrote! You spread your love and we all love you.
You have a wonderful blog, Sacramento. A good inspiration for us.
ResponderEliminarExcellent tips! I've had to go back to allowing anonymous commenting though, as some of my loyal readers are only able to comment that way. I'll just have to be vigilant about the spam...
ResponderEliminarThank you, this was really helpful!!!
ResponderEliminargreat advice! thanks :)
I'm pretty new and I got some very helpful tips from Sarah @Misfits. She told me about the word verification (thank goodness! I had no idea) and she told me to actually make my photos bigger :) Blogging is tricky!! Thanks for the tips!!
Muy buenos consejos, el de la ortografía para mi es fundamental y Yo lo hubiera puesto en primer lugar. la calidad de un blog se puede ir al traste por una sola falta de ortografía. Y fuera la verificación de palabra, es un engorro!
ResponderEliminarun nuevo diseño más ligero y elegante, la cabecera me gusta mucho, y también la tipografía!
ResponderEliminarbesos & gracias por los buenos consejos
Awesome tips! Thank you so much for sharing my dear, these sure are helpful:)
Thanks for sharing these tips. Very interesting to read about keeping text aligned to the left side. At present, my text is centered because I like that look.
ResponderEliminargreat tips! I totally agree with them .
ResponderEliminar"7– Post regularly." -the most challenging thing for me)))
great info thanks a bunch!!!
great post,dear! si,tienes razon!mil besos
ResponderEliminarIt's always good to read a list like this no matter how many times you've heard it before or if you logically already know it. I like the last point that commenting is a two way street it disappoints me the number of "successful" bloggers who don't even engage in a bit of regular back and forth discussion through their comments or other social media avenues.
ResponderEliminarI absolutely LOVE your new layout! It's cleaner and simpler without loosing the original character which mirrors you!
ResponderEliminarWonderful advices! Kisses x x x x
ResponderEliminarGreat advice! I'm off to block "Anonymous"...
ResponderEliminarMe encanta tu nuevo look del blog <3
ResponderEliminarYa sabes que todo lo que haces me gusta! [Soul mates]
Fantásticos consejos, los necesitaba aunque algunas cosas ya las hago. Luego lo leeré con más calma y reflexionare sobre ellos.
ResponderEliminarUn beso
I do agree with a lot of your points, especially about commenting (bloggers who post and use link up opportunities but who rarely comment are a pet peeve of mine!)
ResponderEliminarBut as far as layout and colours and background, etc, go, I think that's a personal choice, I would hate all blogs to look the same. There are preferences, but no rules, I think!
Some good points I agree with but if I did a white background I'd have to change my whole blog and that's a bigger can of worms than I'm able to deal with right now!
A great reminder of all the principles you demonstrate so beautifully in your own blog.
ResponderEliminarMe encanta tu cabecera renovada, y las cosas que has implantado, un diez sacramento!!
ResponderEliminarI really like the new look!
ResponderEliminarGreat advices btw, I agree with all of them!
First of all I love the new layout of your blog! Second, I totally agree with all of your points. I'm always amazed when I go to a blog and the layout is all crazy.
ResponderEliminarLots of kisses to you too!
As I'm still pretty new to blogging I was really interested to read this Sacramento, though I like colourful and crazy blogs too. The advice about slow loading blogs and over large photos were things I hadn't even thought about before. xx
ResponderEliminarReally great advice! I agree with all the points! Let me know if you think I need to change some stuff on my blog - I'm always looking to improve the blog!!
Nice change and great advice! Always so helpful and inspiring to others.
Miss F
You always give such good advice, Sacramento!
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por tus consejos!
ResponderEliminarYo he empezado hace poco y me han servido de mucho!
Thank you for the great advice! And for always commenting :)
ResponderEliminarYour blog is looking really good hon, and well done on getting this week's IFB round-up:) xoxo
ResponderEliminarAs I have always said, Sacramento , you are the blogging guru! Thanks!
ResponderEliminarLOVE! Although I gotta say...I LOOOOOOVE when blogs have music! But I just love music...so there's that.
Love the new layout. Makes me want to tweeck at mine too .
ResponderEliminarInteresantes opciones!! ¡¡Aunque discrepo con el tema de la verificaicón de palabra!! ;-) Jajajaja
Wonderful advice, I also don't like blogs that take forever to open, I get fed up and leave. Great post Sacramento, brava!
ResponderEliminarGreat post baby
ResponderEliminarCultureandtrend Blog
CultureandTrend Facebook
Hola Sacramento! The tips are all perfect, have read carefully them all and I agree. Thanks for sharing, you are always helpful and brilliant! Have a nice day mia cara, mille baci!!:*
ResponderEliminarThese are great tips doll!! I have a decorated background because a plain one isn't for me, mine reflects my personality and I think everyone's should, as long as it doesn't detract from reading the content like flashing backgrounds or too dark that I can't see the font or something like that. Otherwise, express and be different. Yes to no word verification, approve the comments if you must, having to type in letters and numbers I can barely see gets tiresome. Super post my sweet. And a few great photos with different poses is great instead of the same pose in 5 pictures, haha. I hope your day is going great!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ResponderEliminari was talking to my best friend today only about discontinuing blogging..i am feeling fed up that the media here is really rude and especially to plus sized people..but she asked me to continue talking about a voice..i don't know if i have a strong enough one that can sustain itself..
ResponderEliminaroh gosh, word verification! it takes up so much of my time when i have to do that. you introduced me to that and the arrow this week. you always give the best tips. outfit posts should be kept to 4-5 pics. some bloggers post wayyyy too many.
Hi Sacramento
ResponderEliminarYour post is so interesting
Nice blog. I'm already following you and waiting your visit.
Great tipa Sacramento. Congrats for blog.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarI think the one thing I disagree with is the white background. I like to change mine with the seasons.
ResponderEliminarEstupendos consejos, siempre viene bien recordarlos y no descuidar nuestro pequeño rincón. Bss.
ResponderEliminarMuy buenos consejos!!!
ResponderEliminarTotally agree. I don't have the box Comments in my Settings. So I cannot tick No.
ResponderEliminarBut for the rest I hope I comply. Have you ever had trouble loading up my pages?
Great tips. However, number 8 "minimum quality and size", did they mean minimum quantity (but maximum quality!) :-)
ResponderEliminarAll great tips, ones that I also teaching in my Basic Blogging classes.