11 de noviembre de 2012

Teaching Embroidery at Fabric


86 comentarios

  1. Hello, hello!
    I was thinking about you tonight and wondering why I haven't seen any posts from you . My blogger says I'm following you , but it doesn't show up when you publish a new post. It's okay, I will keep checking back in to see what's new and exciting. It looks like I have some catching up to do. Take care xo Kerry

  2. Aren't these photos great? My favorite is the one with the carousel. Thank you for the tips, they're very useful.
    I went back a couple of posts and I read about your surgery. I am sorry to hear that, I wish you a speedy recovery.
    Tons of hugs Sacramento, missed you too ^ _ ^

  3. Thanks for the tips on the blog, I will be sure to follow them

  4. Great post as always.
    It's a very nice editorial, these photos are beautiful.

  5. I like so much your sense of style! Really inspiring post!!

    Take a look and if you like follow me, I’ll be waiting for you: Cosa mi metto???
    Last day to enter the Shopkempt giveaway on my blog!

  6. Preciosa tu selección de imagenes Sacramento!! menuda inspiración !! YA que me quiero montar unas fotos asi ajjaaa.... Me encantan tus blogger consejos.. <3

  7. Great tips Sacramento! Creo lo de el tamano de las fotos es cuestion de gustos a mi por ejemplo me encantan los blogs con fotos grandes! Entre mas grandes mejor! No me gustan nada los blogs con fotos pequenas. Creo que hay gustos para todos es imposible complacer a todos.

  8. Great advice sweets...and I of course LOVE all the photos...hope you had a great weekend!

    A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  9. eres unica!! si conocia la revista aunque hace años la verdad que no habia vuelto a pensar en ella, por cierto lo de unica ademas de mas cosas es sobre tus consejos para el blog,jeje, yo ahora mismito voy a revisarlo, por cierto y que te veo tan puesta, mis seguidores aparecen y desparacen, es frustante ¿algun consejo bloguero para arreglarlo y que siempre se vean y puedan hacerse? soy una nulidad para los ordenadores.
    Me alegro que te estes recuperando.

  10. ola mis papelicos, I hope your leg will be soon ok!
    Thanks for the great tips ! And I have this magazine also in my town, love it x

  11. Beautiful pictures! A nice way to start my day. Good luck with your leg!

  12. I love the photos! And good advice too, I'm a little impatient so hate waiting ages for photos to load. Happy news, looking forward to seeing the next post! Un beso x

  13. Te imagino mejor, ya das hasta consejos.

  14. i have kept the pages to 5..and i put up small sized photos..i hope my blog loads in time!
    these photos are great!!specially that 1st one..hope your leg feels better this time!

  15. These are great images from L'Oficiel!! Thanks for sharing so many helpful tips too!

  16. Lovely photos. I hope you had a great time with your daughter, and that your knee is feeling better. Good luck for the unbandaging! xxxx

  17. Mi blog va fatal con eso de la carga de las fotos, tengo tantas, pero a la vez tengo tanto recelo a dejarlo con poquitas que es la disyuntiva.
    Por otro lado, L´officiel me encanta, busca las portadas de TAVI! son las mejores!!

    Que bueno que ya estés recuperándote!

    Un beso!!

  18. Great pictures, and very useful blogging tips once again. :) I must check mine has everything organized after reading that ;) good luck with your bandage removal! Muchos besos!

  19. These photos are so theatrical, and full of magic!!!! Me encantan!!!!!!

  20. oohh lovely photos! As Vanda said- very magical!

    It is so good to hear you are feeling better. I can't wait to see your next outfit post! :) xxxxxx

  21. I love how you mix the blogging tips with such beautiful photos. I would LOvE to get my hands on an L'Officiel!

    And am glad your leg is healing and look forward to tomorrow's outfit post! -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud

  22. Gorgeous editorial in that magazine! I love it:) Can't wait for the ouftit post!


  23. Spot on tips! The editorial pics are breathtaking!!! I can't wait to se your next outfit! I am soooo happy that your knee is healed. =)

  24. Great tips, Sacramento. If it's a blog I enjoy I'll email the writer to let them know, as they might not be aware of the problem.
    Good luck at the hospital, I know you'll be dressed to the nines and look fabulous. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  25. Love the pics! And thanks for the blogging tips!

  26. Great news my dear friend, I can't wait to see your new outfit look!!:)) Btw I know for L'Officiel, it's a great magazine, we have published issue in Serbia!
    Jelena (glamfabchameleon.blogspot.com)
    Glam Chameleon Jewelry giveaway

  27. Thank you for sharing... I know very well L'officiel, it is a big competition for the Vogue Paris. Thanks for adding me, I have already had you to my favourites...


  28. Ahh thank you for this post! I had no idea how to change that. Just did it :D. I hope everything went well with your surgery and congratulations to the bandage removal! That probably means you are recovering quickly!!! <3


  29. Hope youre feeling better!

  30. No conozco la revista, las fotos son fantásticas, diferentes... me gusta!!!!
    Espero tus fotos sin vendajes!!!!
    Buena semana!!

  31. Soy una gran fan de esta revista! ;)

    un besote linda

  32. Good to hear the bandage is coming off - I used to get L'Officiel if I was in France - it's great!

  33. I love that magazine :)
    Whe have it also here in Belgium

  34. wow! this post is just great! kiss

  35. You are truly a wealth of Blogging information. I think I have mine set to a few posts only, so hopefully it loads up quick enough! Thank you for introducing us to L'Officiel -- I love their shoots, especially the first image! And I'm ecstatic to hear about your bandage coming off. You will be free to jump around again ;-) Keeping my fingers crossed for you! xxxxx

  36. Thank you for the tips... and for sharing these gorgeous photos! French fashion magazines really are the best, aren't they?

  37. Thank you for the tips! Some good ideas indeed.
    Good luck with the bandage .

  38. What a nice gift. Good luck with the bandage removal, will be looking forward to your post.


  39. I LOVE the necklace in the top picture!! Thanks for all of your encourgment and teaching for blogging...you are such a great lady and I really appreciate your help!!

  40. So very pleased to hear that your bandages are off and that you are slowly mobile again - great news indeed. And I too thought I was following you (given the number of times I check your blog!) but it turned out that I didn't seem to be - thus my hitting of 'follow' today. Wishing you strong recovery and healing.

  41. Hoorah for the bandage removal! I hope your leg feels alright... just go easy won't you?!

    I hope you had a lovely time with your daughter and I love that she brought you L'Officiel - they always have such amazing editorials!

    Yes - Feel free to use that photo! I think I posted it at full size otherwise I can always e-mail you the original size version! I had such a long walk in the fog!

  42. Aaaaaah!! Te acabo de escribir un comentario y me ha dado error al darle a publicar, cómo me cabrea eso!

    En fin... que como te decía en mi comentario no publicado ¬¬ me alegro muchísimo de que te hayan quitado ya el vendaje, y estoy deseando ver el look que nos traes para celebrarlo ;)

    Casualmente a mí hoy me dieron ya el alta, y mañana vuelvo a servir mis hamburgesas. Y en el fondo (y no tan fondo) estoy deseando volver a trabajar, ¡ya estaba aburrida de estar de baja!

    1 beso!

  43. I am happy that your recovery is going well, can't wait to see another great outfit and i have joined the X-mas international swap

    Ariane xxxxxx

  44. Very cool! So sweet of your daughter!

    xx Rach

  45. That was awesome of you daughte...Very nice!




  46. Hope the bandage comes off and your leg is back to normal soon

  47. ¡¡Qué bonito el último editorial con la Torre Eiffel de fondo!! con las ganas que tengo yo de ver Paris...

    Al poner fotos grandes siempre tengo la duda de si mi web se carga bien o no, antes tenía muchos problemas con esto hasta que cambié de hosting y reduje un poquito las fotos... de todas formas ya sabes que tus consejos son muy importantes para mi ¿crees que mis fotos son demasiado grandes? ¿tienes problemas para que se cargue mi blog?

    Espero de corazón que todo haya ido bien con la pierna, tengo muchas ganas de ver un nuevo outfit tuyo.


    Un beso enorme.


  48. ¡¡Qué bonito el último editorial con la Torre Eiffel de fondo!! con las ganas que tengo yo de ver Paris...

    Al poner fotos grandes siempre tengo la duda de si mi web se carga bien o no, antes tenía muchos problemas con esto hasta que cambié de hosting y reduje un poquito las fotos... de todas formas ya sabes que tus consejos son muy importantes para mi ¿crees que mis fotos son demasiado grandes? ¿tienes problemas para que se cargue mi blog?

    Espero de corazón que todo haya ido bien con la pierna, tengo muchas ganas de ver un nuevo outfit tuyo.


    Un beso enorme.


  49. Hola guapísima!
    Veo que poco a poco te vas recuperando :-) Yo conocí L'Officiel el año pasado, en su versión holandesa. Creo que todavía la tengo por casa, me la compré porque en la portada salía una modelo con un abrigo y plumas de no sé qué color.
    Cuídate solete!

  50. Pls let me know if my blog is slow?! Hope your leg is healing well, lovely lady.xx.

  51. Sacramento, a slow loading blog really takes the fun out of reading it. These are great pictures! Good luck with your bandages...I hope you are recovering well. Hugs my sweet friend! ~Serene

  52. Sacramento, a slow loading blog really takes the fun out of reading it. These are great pictures! Good luck with your bandages...I hope you are recovering well. Hugs my sweet friend! ~Serene

  53. Good advice Sacramento, I have been trying to make my blog quicker to load too! xx

  54. They are really beautiful. Actually i'm a Paris fan so everyhting that comes from there i love it! I hope you get heal very fast! My positive vibes for you! beijosss


  55. I agree completely, slow loading blogs are really frustrating. Your tips are great! I hope all goes well with your bandage removal!

  56. ver revistas chulas siempre anima la convalecencia, si es que se ve que estás bien cuidada y me alegra mucho!
    Y me gusta mucho leerte sobre cómo aligerar nuestros blogs, son cosas muy de sentido común!!, aunque no siempre las hagamos!!
    Espero verte pronto en pie!

  57. We get L'officiel in our country too! It's a great fash mag! :)

    Good to know that you are recovering well... :))

  58. I love L'Officiel, it's so good for some inspiration! Great tips also dear, hope a is going well with you. xx

  59. Such a fabulous blog you have!

    xx, Ally


  60. good to hear that the bandage gets removed so fast. get well soon.


  61. I love to see the photos from Fashion mags--they are pieces of artwork.
    Thanks for the blog tips--are you a tekkie?

  62. i remember when you let me know about my site uploading slowly and i really appreciated it!! i'm glad you're sharing this with everyone :)

  63. VERY interesting article.....I just counted and we have 5 posts on a page. Hopefully, it doesn't load to slowly for you! We do have a load of pics!!hahaha...Big hug and sending you lots of love!!!
    xoThe Beckerman Girls


  64. I used to love LOfficiel Magazine when I lived in Paris. I'd buy them whenever I could afford them. They were usually very artsy.

    Glad you're doing well and that the bandages will be off soon. Miss your posts!


  65. Qué chula la revista y qué buenos consejos! A ver cómo te queda la pierna! Animo.

    B* a la Moda

  66. Que buenos tips!
    justo hoy voy a tomar sus consejos.

  67. How wonderful - art, craft, wonderful company, excellent food! Sarah xxx

  68. Loving the tips and advice! I guess we're twinsies, since I also have that same cardigan -how stylish are we?! ;)


  69. I check your blog everyday and love it! Oh I wish I was there to learn embroidery also.

  70. Nice blog!!!

    Kisses from


  71. Que pena estar tan lejos, guapa!! Como me hubiese gustado estar ahí!!!

  72. Thanks for your comment dear, i'm a little over 30 now, but yes, have to agree that there is sooooo much more to look forward to in life and I cannot wait!

  73. What a nice group of women. Looks like you've had a lovely time.
    I thought you'd like my costume post ;-) And I can make your wish come true: There is another event in my local theatre next Sunday and they're presenting a book on the development of some costumes. I have the opportunity to be there and take pictures :)

  74. How lovely Sacramento. Always great to see such style and your sun shining face. Thanks for your comment dear. xxoo/Madison

  75. Now if only I could read Spanish so I could understand the text on Nuria's blog feature on you! However, I was able to enjoy the photos she had chosen to illustrate the article.
    Great embroidery too.

  76. How glorious to pass on a beautiful art form!! Wish I could have been in your class! xxoo

  77. wow!looks like ti was a great event!

    have a great week

    Inside and Outside Blog

  78. Que guay !! Me gustaría ir a uno de esos talleres en Fabric :D

  79. Generous as you are, I bet you're a wonderful teacher! Fantastic to pass along these disappearing skills. Pretty photos. xoxoxoxo

  80. Oh how I wish I could have attended this event. Such a sweet person to volunteer sharing your knowledge.

  81. you're so talented and patient! These ladies are so lucky!

  82. you're so talented and patient! These ladies are so lucky!

  83. How wonderful to share your skill with these wonderful group of women!


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