27 de mayo de 2015

Redish Brown

The reddish brown stones of this church inspired my outfit and the necklace I made out of wooden curtain rings.
Las piedras de marrón rojizas de la iglesia inspiraron mi atuendo y el collar que hice con anillas de madera para cortinas.

22 comentarios

  1. I love the fact you were inspired by this redish stones....you look stunning dear! such a lovely outfit!


  2. You are so one of a kind, my dear! Architecture that you want to wear! Curtain rings that you want to wear! You are AMAZING! This is one of my favorite outfits of yours again. :) Much love xxxxx

  3. Love this outfit on you and that necklace is the real thing!

  4. ¿En serio esos son anillas para cortinas?
    Me dejas de pasta de boniato...


  5. qué estupenda te veo! ese color tierra rojiza, el bonito estampado de la blusa, el collar, las piedras antiguas, todo me encanta!!!
    siempre me había parecido que esas argollas eran muy chulas, y ahora veo que es cierto!! cómo me gusta!!!
    besos & abrazos

  6. Estas deslumbrante, me encanta todo el look y el collar es magnifico! un abrazo enorme amiga.

  7. I love this look, Sacramento! It is one of my top favorites of yours...looks great!

  8. Great colours in this outfit and I love your clever necklace. The church that inspired you is wonderful, I do so want to visit Spain again one day.

  9. The DIY necklace is just perfect! I like the combination of the colors and how it is in harmony with the church. Sooo lovely!

  10. You look so beautiful, I love your necklace. What a beautiful setting too xxx

  11. Where do I start? The color is wonderful on you, the church is beautiful, and I would love a closer look at that skirt.

  12. Gorgeous. I love this top, wonderful. And this looks like such a peaceful place too!! Happy weekend my friend!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  13. You are joking!!. I was thinking "what a nice necklace"... you made it from curtain rings!! It is very good, very contemporary.
    Love the outfit. I really do.

  14. The ittle elks (?) on the skirt go so well with the print of the top! love it!

  15. lovely inspiration. You look beautiful as always . thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

  16. The colors are beautiful! And great job with the necklace and earrings, I wouldn't have thought it is meant for apartment instead!

  17. I think it's cool that you get inspired by a building. Thinking outside the box. Chic outfit! Thank you so much for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop!

  18. Great outfit again! The is such fun with the decoration on the front - and I love your necklace! You could easily have convinced me that you'd paid a very large sum of money for it!!! Well done!


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