12 de octubre de 2012

Lemon Jumper

The aroma and colour of the lemons in our street brought to my mind this jumper I made a few years ago.
EL aroma y color de los limoneros en nuestra calle me recordaron a este jersey que hice hace años.

109 comentarios

  1. Your always so stylish!
    I love yellow on you.
    And what a great idea on those boots, thanks for with us!


  2. M eparece genial la iniciatiba de crear prendas propias...Yo estoy preparando una cosita muy relacionada con eso...Por cierto me encanta el look,las botas no me convencen ,pero el resto es total.Increible que sepas hacer punto,a mi no me sale ni a la de tres,nulo total.Un beso,me alegro de verte tan recuperada.

  3. Cada día me sorprendes más. Lo de las botas es ...GENIAL. Pero eso sólo lo puede hacer una manitas como tú, que lo mismo te haces un precioso chaleco que forras unas botas. Oye , y lo de las tijeras...¿realmente son unas tijeras forradas?

  4. la verdad eres como un sombrero de mago de ti salen sorpresas cada dia, que jersey tan bello, me gustaria con la falda en otro color pero igual la pinta de hoy es hermosa y la idea de las botas y las tijeras te pasaste de creativa eres genial, te envio un abrazo y te deseo un super fin de semana de halloween lleno de alegria y sorpresa.

  5. One thing I really love about Spain are the citrus trees lining the streets!

    I love your version of the scissors very baroque! I will add your post link to my post too xx

  6. Qué autenticas la gafas!!Como tú!!


  7. those shades look so good on you!

    the boot idea: more fabulousness from the mind of Sacramento.

    and bless you for your homage to Roz.

  8. Me encanta esa combinación de colores!!
    Y las tijeras ya no te digo!

    Que pases un buen fin de semana,

  9. Que chulo el jersey!!!!


  10. Me encanta tu maridaje árboles-ropa! Un acierto. Muy natural!! Y..preciosa frase la del inicio

  11. I love your sunglasses. They are so small and chic - unlike so many of the ones being sold in stores today. Love it! - Katy

  12. cuánta originalidad y cuántas ideas interesantes!: el olor de los limones es de mis favoritos, el amarillo últimamente me atrae mucho, y esas botas restauradas me parecen curiosísimas!, y las tijeras ya el colmo!
    besos y gracias por compartir estas ideas!

  13. Rebosas creatividad por los cuatro costados!!! Las botas me gustan mas que las que tiene Ugg en punto.
    Que bien te sienta el amarillo, como alegra el otoño ese color, que no sea solo para el verano.
    Tengo debilidad por las faldas con aplicados y la tuya me gusta.

  14. You make me smile every time you wear lots of colours.
    It suits you because you have a great style.

    ps. obsessed with eye cat sunnies

  15. Oh it's such a wonderful Blog you have here and I love your style. I follow you now. Maybe you want to follow me back? xx, Alice :)

  16. Very beautiful outfit! I love the bright colour of the jumper, it suits you so well! The boots are stunning! <3


  17. you pulled the pieces in such fantastic way! and i am just in love with your pendant...

  18. ¡Me encanta lo que has hecho con las botas! Yo que soy de las que no tiran na... ;)

  19. Yellow is a glorious colour on you!
    And how creative you are, too, what a nice idea with those boots.
    Hope you are enjoying the weekend;)

  20. How clever to fix your leather boots like that. You know these" socks boots" are very in right now and I've seen a lot of Japanese on street style websites wearing them so how cool you get to make your very own pair. Love the scissors accessory and colors of your outfit. I took a little break from colors today, but I felt so empty without them. I will bring them back asap.

  21. I love your sweater! Yellow is a color one rarely sees in fashion but it's so happy. Now I want a polka dot yellow sweater too.

  22. I love the yellow sweater and the knitted boots. Thanks for sharing the photo and come visit me too soon.


  23. I love this outfit and the boots ideea. the splash of yellow is just wonderful. Also gracias por su visita y comentario. Me alegro que te gusta mi blog. besos de romania:)

  24. Ooh, aren't you the DIY queen! :) I must say, that jumper is brilliant. Lovely colour. x

  25. You are a real fashion designer! Like the bag and I must say that the sunglasses are so cool!
    Ohh it would have been nice to have lemon trees in the neighborhood!


  26. oh wow what a chic outfift! i love your style; the perfect mix of classical vintage and modern trends! =)


  27. Absolutely astounded once again by your creativity and ingeniousness! Fabulous all of it!
    x x Comtesse x x

  28. Your outfits bring us so much sun ! The DIY necklace is an incredible invention !

  29. Oh I loved to see your interpretation of Roz's idea! And what a fantastic idea for the boots / it now looks like crochet

  30. es genial la reconversión de las botas me recuerda mucho a los oready-make del gran MArcel Duchamp,...y el collar con las tijeras me encanta por aquí en bristo observo cómo mucha gente lleva sus propios colgantes hechos por ellos,...y hay cosas realmente bonitas que no cuestan dienro y las puedes alcanzar sólo con tu creatividad.


  31. I love the colors in your outfit!

  32. me encanta el jersey! el blog esta genial! que vitalidad! envidiable!

  33. Great colours,so fresh!!
    I adore those glasses!Jealous!!!

  34. Madre mía! Cuánto DIY interesante! Eres la mar de creativa. Se te ocurren ideas para todo. Me he encantado la frase con la que abres el post de hoy. Qué cierto es y qué presente hay que tenerla.
    B* a la Moda

  35. te queda super bien el color amarillo. Me encanta lo que has hecho con las botas y las mangas de jersey - eres una genia.

  36. LOVE the polka dot sweater....fabulous!!!

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  37. The lemon trees must be gorgeous, the color, the smell!! And the lemon yellow sweater fits perfectly!

    Your friend always,


  38. me encanta esa falda es genial y te sienta de miedo con esas botas, me ha gustado mucho, un beso

  39. lemon tree on every porch? you must be living in one of the prettiest places on Earth!!! i love this post with a photo of a lemon tree and the previous one with grape photo. such vibrant colors on your outfits too!

  40. Darling, you've done such a wonderful job of that necklace! I love it! And...I love the "autumn light" - it's put me in such a wonderful mood the last few days.

    Thank you for your comment on Mrs Bossa Does the Do...! xx

  41. The outfit is stunning! I love that yellow sweater. :)

    Fashion Goodies

  42. Such striking colours! I wish we had lemon trees growing on our porch.. There is nothing better than ice cold freshly squeezed lemonade.
    Thank you so much for being involved with my project! I love the vibrancy of your pair of mummy's scissors - it's so great seeing every bloggers interpretation.


  43. You look exceptionally FABULOUS!!!
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit, and you are so creative, those boots are TDF, I can't even see the peeling at all, and YES, I read about Roz's Mummy Scissors, and I wish Roz a speedy recovery :)

    You are one amazing lady darling

    LOVE, always

  44. un vrai style qui vous vas à ravir, vous êtes sublimes.
    très jolies photos

  45. es increible lo que has hecho con las botas!

  46. Thank you everybody from the bottom of my heart!!!

  47. Yellow is such a great colour for you!
    It's one of my fav's too because its such a happy colour :)

  48. I love the pop of yellow and the boot idea is just so cool. Have a great weekend! xoxo

  49. Como me gustan tus publicaciones. Cada día tienes más glamour. Eres increible. Me gusta todo. Bss guapa.

  50. Wonderful, you look great in yellow, so happy :) Creative you, I love your creations and it's very clever with the boots ;) I hope you have a fantastic weekend XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  51. I really love that jumper, it makes you look even curvier! xxx

  52. What a great idea for fixing the boots!

  53. That is such a great jumper! Looks very cozy :D

  54. You must read them my flower...they are wonderful. There are quite a few in the series, I adore them all. And he's Spanish (they came out in Spanish first) Have a wonderful weekend too my sweet XXXXXXXXXX

  55. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  56. You should be a stylist - your knack for creating amazing outfit combinations never ceases. That sweater is gorgeous and I love your little DIY booties too! Again in total awe of your outfit :) xo Marisa

  57. There's just no end to your creativity - the jumper is lovely on you, and the boots very cool! You look much sweeter than lemons!

  58. You have always been amazing, but lately?....AWESOME! You look so great!

  59. You have always been amazing, but lately?....AWESOME! You look so great!

  60. Me ha gustado mucho el look. EL sweater se ve hermoso, también la falda.
    Los limones me recuerda a Sicilia la tierra de mis padres.
    Bello look Sacramento.!

  61. me encanta el jersey!! ese color limon es taaaan agradable!! y bueno bueno bueno...lo que has hehco con als botas no se me hubira ocurrido jamás! nunca habia visto esa idea! genial! viva el año, el reciclaje y la reutilización de las cosas para darles una nueva vida! muuuuuack

  62. Amazing bag and sweater. Yellow looks beautiful on you :)

  63. Killer outfit! the boot DIY is so clever

  64. I just love that sweater! The color and pattern are perfect and it looks so cute on you! Your purse looks almost exactly like a purse I have. The only difference is the handle.

    Great idea for fixing up old boots! They turned out really nice.

    Thanks for leaving such wonderful comments on my blog. I'm glad you like the bigger pictures. I think they're a huge improvement to the blog.

  65. Well the boots look wonderful! And love that you reused fabric as well. xx

  66. Como siempre estas estupenda! besos

  67. What you've done to those boots is genious! I have a pair I love so dearly, but they are starting to fall apart and the leather coming of is one of the problems. You've just saved my favourite boots! ;-)
    By the way, I really have to thank you for adding me to your blogroll! About a dozen people are currently coming my way each day and that's a number for my baby-blog :D

  68. Brilliantt as usual sacramEnto!
    I'm over at instagram and twitter; come visit 💛

  69. Oh I love yellow and it's beautiful on you my friend. Take Care. Nan

  70. I love your lemon in autumn, and your boot makeover is inspiring.

  71. Wow! Amazing! I love your boots! Kisses x x x x

  72. Ahhhhh!!! (As you would say!!) This is delightful!! A mesmerizing combination of color and pattern. Your handiwork is wonderfully artistic. My hat is off to you!!

  73. I want that jumper that you knitted. It's beautiful!

  74. You have the greatest DIY ideas! The boot transformation is so inspired. I am definitely going to try that with a pair I have that are peeling. And your lemon yellow sweater is divine with those big black spots. Delicious.

  75. I love it!!!!!! & I love the way you mix prints! Nicely done!!

  76. I love the polka dots jumper. love the colors. you are gorgeous!
    Have a great weekend Sacramento! xx

  77. Yellow, i love this color and she's really great on you.
    It's a very nice outfit. Everything goes together so well.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  78. This is a gorgeous outfit! So incredibly beautiful! That jumper is my absolute favourite part!

  79. That yellow polkadot sweater is AMAZING!

  80. Your always so stylish and chic!
    l like your style a lot
    I love that yellow sweater and bag too!!

    Tnx for comment me <3

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  81. And you knit? Todos los dias me sorprendes!

  82. Que apañada!! por cierto el jersey me encanta. Estas guapisima


  83. Wonderful that you light up autumn with yellow

  84. You look chic. Your outfit is so cool and you are very creative.

  85. i love the knitted jumper and your diy boots!

  86. You are so clever - that jumper is GORGEOUS! And those refashioned boots are a FABULARSE idea! Sarah xxx

  87. Beautiful color sweater, booties interesting. You look beautiful...

  88. Agh, for some reason your blog hasn't been updating on my blog list, heaven knows why, so I am catching up now!
    Gorgeous look, Sacramento, love you in yellow, and what you did with the boots is so clever. xxx

  89. El suéter de lunares me encanta :D .... siempre te veo anque no siempre te comento porque voy volandooooo.... me detendré más a menudo <3


  90. That's such a great way to freshen up old boots! Love your sweater.

  91. me gusta mucho tu jersey, el color y los topos!, y qué bien llevas las faldas con el cinturón!
    Y esa idea de las botas me ha dejado de piedra, en la vida ví cosa igual: eres brillante!

  92. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  93. Aaah you are a master of DIY, such a great idea. Have a pair of shoes that need revamping so you have inspired me. Love the jumper on you! xxx

  94. I can't believe you made that happy sweater! You look very nice and I just love the DIY idea with the boots!

  95. That jumper is so beautiful but I can't get over the boots! What a great idea!

  96. You made that jumper?!!! I want one!!! The yellow looks amazing on you!

  97. Love your yellow cardie, you are very talented!

    Sleekit x

  98. So cute =) I love what you did with your boots they look so cool. Also I'm swooning over your bag it's beautiful and so timelessly classic <3 Have a wonderful day =)

  99. You've reminded me to peek at our lemon trees too to see if there's anything to harvest. And brilliant re-working of your boots! The soft knit from your tops to your toes seem just right for this transitional season. -- J xxx

  100. Oooooo, I love this! That yellow is fabulous!! I am so jealous; I cannot wear yellow that well!


  101. hi! Nice blog you have. I just joined you. I'm Renae, nice to meet you. Your style is great. I'm at Random Wednesday #222. Come see me and join, okay?


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