Bees are relatively small, and often unappreciated animals, but they do a whole lot for us. Through their daily buzzing from flower to flower, bees ensure the survival of 90 percent of the world´s wild plants and more than 30 percent of the food crops we eat.
Unfortunately they are in great dange, not only due to pesticides, but also the increasing presence of wireless signals in our atmosphere, interfering with the bees´abilities to pick up the eletromagnetic fields naturally given off by our planet, rendering them unable to sense which direction will take them home.
Photography and Creative editing @Aleksvipez
Las abejas son animales relativamente pequeños y poco apreciados, pero le debemos mucho. Volando de flor en flor aseguran la supervivencia del 90 por ciento de la flora silvestre y más del 30 por ciento de las cosechas que nos alimentan.
Desgraciadamente están en grave peligro, y no sólo debido a los pesticidas sino también al incremento de señales en la atmósfera que les impide reconocer los campos electromagnéticos del planeta, quedando desorientadas e impidiéndoles reconocer el camino a casa.
You will find me on Instagram, the new village green
Me encontrarás en Instagram, la nueva plaza del pueblo
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