4 de julio de 2016

Botticelli DIY Skirt and Polka Dots Blouse

My brother Antonio, who was a self-taught painter, would have loved to see one of his very first still lives as part of this Botticelli DIY skirt and Polka dots blouse post. Painting was his true passion until the end, and I wish to believe that he is now mingling with the masters he admired so much since he was a little boy.
A mi hermano Antonio, pintor autodidacta, le hubiera encantado ver uno de sus primeros bodegones formando parte de este post con mi falda Botticelli DIY y la blusa de lunares. La pintura fue su auténtica pasión hasta el final y quiero creer que ahora anda con los grandes maestros que tanto admiró desde que era un niño. 

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