Cuanto me alegro de que te gusten. Compré el de la bañera, junto con otros muy originales, en un mercadillo de Berlín por mis chiquiprecio (1 euro), jajajja. Rebecca se quedó con la mayoría, pero espero recuperarlos. Mil besos guapa mía. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Okay...this is starting to get weird. Both you and I made large floral necklaces around the same time and now 10 days ago I pinned a bunch of brooches on my jean jacket but haven't posted the look on my blog yet.
Lovely outfit and I like how your shoes match your skirt!
I have a gold/bronze crinkle skirt which I paid a fair amount of money for, about 15 years ago. It's always been very hard to match it with things and has only been worn about 3 times in total.
I've been thinking about pairing it with a denim shirt and seeing your post has persuaded me. I love all the brooches on yours too, so I'll see how my shirt looks with lots of brooches pinned on it.
My dear Veronica, I am so glad to see that this outfit is going to make your gold/ bronze skirt come out and shine. I can´t hardly wait to see you. Much love. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxx
I really like the denim jacket with the more dressy skirt. I am in awe of your brooch collection , the lady in the bath in particular. By the way I have finally finished my travel plans , we will be in Malaga on the 19th and 20th of May and would love to meet you if that is convenient. Jill xx
He visto que en el street style hay muchas aplicaciones como broches y parches sobre la tela vaquera, debo decir que me encanta, aunque siempre pienso que vi este tipo de accesorios en tu blog primero :P! Te felicito por siempre ir un paso adelante en cuanto a tendencias. Tienes una gran colección, yo tengo muy pocos! Aunque entre mis favoritos están el de un luchador mexicano y alguno de Maléfica de Disney.
I do love those brooches on your jacket, what pizzazz! I may have to borrow this look :-) Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday! jess xx
Qué bonitos los broches, sobre todo el de la bañera! Es la mar de original!
Cuanto me alegro de que te gusten. Compré el de la bañera, junto con otros muy originales, en un mercadillo de Berlín por mis chiquiprecio (1 euro), jajajja. Rebecca se quedó con la mayoría, pero espero recuperarlos.
EliminarMil besos guapa mía.
Okay...this is starting to get weird. Both you and I made large floral necklaces around the same time and now 10 days ago I pinned a bunch of brooches on my jean jacket but haven't posted the look on my blog yet.
ResponderEliminarWe are somehow creatively connected : )
I am not surprised Suzanne " Great minds..." hahahhahaha
EliminarSo looking forward to seeing yours too.
Much love, my dear friend
Eres fabulosa!
Y tú también lo eres con esos ojos azules
La chaqueta me enamora y los broches son ideales! Un abrazo querida amiga.
ResponderEliminarLovely outfit and I like how your shoes match your skirt!
I have a gold/bronze crinkle skirt which I paid a fair amount of money for, about 15 years ago. It's always been very hard to match it with things and has only been worn about 3 times in total.
I've been thinking about pairing it with a denim shirt and seeing your post has persuaded me. I love all the brooches on yours too, so I'll see how my shirt looks with lots of brooches pinned on it.
Have a lovely week.
My dear Veronica, I am so glad to see that this outfit is going to make your gold/ bronze skirt come out and shine. I can´t hardly wait to see you.
EliminarMuch love.
This denim jacket is Really Cool,
ResponderEliminarLove it so much
I really like the denim jacket with the more dressy skirt. I am in awe of your brooch collection , the lady in the bath in particular. By the way I have finally finished my travel plans , we will be in Malaga on the 19th and 20th of May and would love to meet
ResponderEliminaryou if that is convenient. Jill xx
Love brooches!
ResponderEliminarHe visto que en el street style hay muchas aplicaciones como broches y parches sobre la tela vaquera, debo decir que me encanta, aunque siempre pienso que vi este tipo de accesorios en tu blog primero :P! Te felicito por siempre ir un paso adelante en cuanto a tendencias. Tienes una gran colección, yo tengo muy pocos! Aunque entre mis favoritos están el de un luchador mexicano y alguno de Maléfica de Disney.
ResponderEliminarBesos, amiga!
Fungi Express Blog
You are a ray of sunshine, Sacramento. What an amazing outfit, so creative and fun and elegant! Happy Women's Day!!
ResponderEliminarThank you my dear Natalia, your words are always sweet.
EliminarMuch love.
you're a shiny piece of fabulousness, your brooches, your skirt and shoes, your pretty bag, and your coolnesss!
ResponderEliminarqué pedacito de fabulosidad!!
I do love those brooches on your jacket, what pizzazz! I may have to borrow this look :-)
ResponderEliminarThanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
jess xx
Fabulous!!!! Love how you put all your brooches on your denim jacket - very cool. Thank you for linking up with SHOE AND TELL on Style Nudge.
Super cool outfit! Love it!