19 de agosto de 2010

Travel: Coffee and Cakes in Berlin


11 comentarios

  1. Fab outfit! I'm amazed you find it all in vintage shops.

  2. you look so beautiful, but you always do!
    and you husband, que guapo!
    I am guessing that is your daughter, because she looks exactly like her gorgeous older sister Sacramento.
    p.s. i emailed you at hotmail, but it got sent back :(
    besos hermosa mujer

  3. que buena esa merienda mmm, y me han encantado los dos estilismos!!

  4. Ufff...yo tampoco sabria decir solo dos !!!....Hay tantos y tan buenos en sus creaciones.....buen post...un beso

  5. Bonita chaqueta y apetitosos dulces....

  6. What wonderful answers, Sacramento. I particularly love your response to wearing fur. Respectful on all counts. Is this your family sitting at the table across from you. A handsome set!

  7. Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting! I'm sorry I didn't return the visit earlier -- for some reason your blog wasn't loading up for me yesterday. You're a striking lady, and the coffee and cakes look delectable.

    Have you visited My Castle in Spain yet? Lala lives in Andalucia and posts wonderful pictures of her life there and travels elsewhere. I think you had mentioned that you were from Andalucia?

  8. More wonderful answers...it is so nice to learn more about you. You're like a gift to me. You give me hope.

    ♥ V


  9. Gracias a tod@s, sois mi inspiración!!!

  10. merendola estupenda, pero nena, la operación tanga?

    todo muy bien contestado!

  11. Nice Interview!!

    Y siento muchisimo no haber participado en el concurso pero es que lo de las reformas nos llevo mucho más tiempo del debido y no hemos tenido ni vacaciones!!

    I'm so sorry!!



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